Asp Dot Net Pdf Free Download

Download free ASP.NET eBooks in pdf format or read online. Books included in this category cover topics related to Microsoft ASP.NET such as ASP.NET Core, MVC, Web Forms, Web API, WebHooks, ServiceStack, Web Servers, T4, Multitenant Applications, OWIN, Deployment, Application Security and more.

Real-Time ASP.NET Core 3 Apps with SignalR Succinctly

In Real-Time ASP.NET Core 3 Apps with SignalR Succinctly, Dirk Strauss will show you how to use it to create a chat application with minimal code and how to modify that same code to create a chart application. Just by changing a few lines of code, you can automatically pull data via an API call and update your page in real time. …

ASP.NET Core 2 Succinctly

In ASP.NET Core 2 Succinctly, authors Simone Chiaretta and Ugo Lattanzi guide you through what distinguishes ASP.NET Core 2 from previous versions, how to build projects using the framework, and how to deploy apps to IIS or Azure. …

The Little ASP.NET Core Book

This short book helps developers and people interested in web programming, learn about ASP.NET Core 2.0, a new framework for building web applications and APIs. The Little ASP.NET Core Book is structured as a tutorial. You'll build a to-do app from start to finish. …

ASP.NET WebHooks Succinctly

Taking advantage of WebHooks is something that many developers want to achieve, but many struggle to find a starting point. In ASP.NET WebHooks Succinctly, Gaurav Arora guides readers through the necessary skills and processes to get started. …

ASP.NET Core Succinctly

In ASP.NET Core Succinctly, seasoned authors Simone Chiaretta and Ugo Lattanzi update you on all the advances provided by Microsoft's landmark framework. By learning the foundations of the library and understanding the new versions of ASP.NET MVC and Web API, you'll be equipped with everything you need to build .NET web applications on Windows, Mac, and Linux. …

Web Servers Succinctly

Handling a request is no longer the simple process of "send back the content of this file," but instead involves routing the request to the web application, which, among other things, determines where the content comes from. In Web Servers Succinctly, author Marc Clifton provides great insights on the benefits of building your own web server, and covers different options available for threading, work processes, session management, routing, and security. …

T4 Succinctly

Familiarity with code generation tools is key for modern software engineers, and whether you know it or not, you're probably already using one. In T4 Succinctly by Nick Harrison, you'll learn what goes on behind the scenes during code generation with T4, Visual Studio's built-in code generator. Then, use those principles to apply metadata to a template and transform it into source code in a variety of languages. …

ASP.NET Multitenant Applications Succinctly

Some basic knowledge of ASP.NET forms the foundation for an introduction to multitenancy in web application development and how to use ASP.NET frameworks to implement multitenant solutions. With an emphasis on working solutions, author Ricardo Peres will guide you towards a greater mastery of multitenant solutions in ASP.NET Multitenant Applications Succinctly. …

  ASP.NET MVC Succinctly

ASP.NET MVC framework provides the Razor view engine for creating a consistent look and feel in your apps, and HTML helpers to provide an easy way to design your app without having to write all of the markup on your own. With ASP.NET MVC Succinctly by Nick Harrison, you will learn how to use these features and more, including how to integrate your app with jQuery, and how to use MVC scaffolding to automatically generate the more tedious portions of your code. …

OWIN Succinctly

With OWIN Succinctly, you will learn how to use Microsoft's implementation of OWIN with different frameworks, how to write custom middleware to manage requests in the OWIN pipeline, and how to provide different forms of authentication to your web app. Now is the time to see what OWIN is all about—it has been a major influence on the development of ASP.NET v5, and will also be supported in it. …

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